Breaking the Cycle of Generational Poverty

Thank you for attending “Heartful 2018” — our fundraising event for Heart of the City Mission Foundation, Inc. We had an amazing turnout, and with your help, managed to bring in almost $100,000 in donations to support our mission! Your attendance and contributions will help us to continue our efforts to break the cycle of generational poverty in the heart of our city.

As we discussed at the event, the targeted programs you are helping to support will allow us to devote ourselves to long term relationships and continue our goal of “Making a Difference One Life At A Time!”

Your generosity is an encouraging reminder of why we do what we do, and how all of us can make a difference.

With gratitude,
Timothy Stauffer
Board Co-Chair/Heart of the City Mission Foundation
Heartful 2018 Planning Committee Chair
P.S. To learn more, please visit